Pledge to Help End the Killing of Feral Cats and Kittens

Springtime is around the corner and, with it, the start of another "kitten season"…

Animal shelters across America will be flooded with homeless litters and feral cats – often brought in by well-intentioned people who believe they are doing the right thing. Tragically, however, the majority of these innocent animals will be killed.

Even in 2017, fatal misconceptions about feral cats persist, and many shelters continue to practice outdated, inhumane policies with regard to community cats.

As America's First Animal Shelter and Adoptions Program, the Women's Humane Society is committed to caring for the cats brought to our shelter through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Grounded in science, TNR improves cats' lives while preventing the cycle of reproduction.

It is a fact that the removal and killing of outdoor cats is a never-ending and futile practice. It is also inhumane, and must be stopped.

The Women's Humane Society relies on our national community of animal lovers – countless compassionate Americans – to advocate on behalf of these beautiful, misunderstood creatures.

Please take action today to help us protect the lives of America's community cats… Kitten season is almost here.
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