Slaughterhouse Gas Chambers Must Be Banned For Good

New footage from spy cams in a slaughterhouse confirms that gas chambers are horrific, torturous ways to slaughter animals. 

Sign now to tell the United States Department of Agriculture to ban slaughtering pigs in gas chambers!

This terrifying technology is literally a form of torture, and cannot be reformed or made "ethical" in any possible way. It's time the USDA stopped letting pigs suffer such terrible fates.

To make matters worse, these torturous slaughter methods go against existing U.S. law. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act allows slaughterhouses to use stunning techniques that are "rapid and effective," and spy cams in recent facilities show that these gas chambers are anything but. 

While dozens of states have banned the use of gas chambers to slaughter factory farmed animals, the practice persists in many states. Sign now to tell the USDA: ban the use of gas chambers in slaughterhouses!

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