Holly Father Pope Francis, We great you sincerely and ask of you - the protector of all living  bei

  • van: Simona Vodopivec
  • ontvanger: His Holiness Pope Francis Bishop of Rome, Governemt of Bosnia Sarajevo And Kalaba Ljubomo
Day after day in Sarajevo killing stray dogs, which are at the mercy of street the people of Sarajevo. Dogs killing each other on the bestial ways. Ljubomir Kalaba's Director of missions required the that of thes poor strays and don't let the control of veterinary work, which carried out inspecting prowess prevent massacre of innocent creatures. Kill all sterilized, castrated, FRY, mothers with gilt, sick, healthy, aggresive, not aggresive. The money which they received for asylum werw put into pocket. The compromised people and dogs
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