Please to sign for safe drinking water

  • van: ctim
  • ontvanger: anyone access Care2 and Care2 members

a day of safe drinking water for a child
about the needThirteen percent of the world's population, 884 million people, lack access to an improved source for drinking water. Forty percent of these people live in Africa. The repercussions are deadly. Every 20 seconds around the world, a child dies from diarrheal disease due to unsafe water and lack of sanitation and hygiene.about this giftThis gift provides a day of safe drinking water for a child. A safe water product allows a family to treat their water at home.about Population Services InternationalPopulation Services International (PSI), is a leading global health organization with programs targeting malaria, child survival, HIV and reproductive health. PSI provides life-saving products, clinical services and behavior change communications that empower the world's most vulnerable populations to lead healthier lives.

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