Pledge to Support Tigers. Help Bring Down the Skin and Bone Trade.

It doesn't look good for Sumatran tigers.

One of their final strongholds is under assault from poachers, and without action now, this extremely rare big cat faces imminent extinction. Latest figures confirm there are only around 350 Sumatran tigers left. We must act now to save them.

The international demand for tiger skins and bones is making the grisly hunting and trade of these creatures all too profitable. So FFI has put out an urgent call to the global community to pledge their support for Sumatran tigers.

Please pledge that you won't buy their skins or bones and pledge to support the people protecting them.

The fact is that, right now, the last 350 Sumatran tigers are in grave jeopardy. But together, if we act immediately, we can still save them.

I pledge to help save the remaining Sumatran tigers and ask the rest of the world to join me in protecting them.

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