Comcast - Unfair Prices and Services

I am writing this on behalf of all Comcast Cable Subscribers in the Sunnyvale, California area.  Comcast has been overcharging our community for cable.

We in Sunnyvale, California are paying the same prices that any of the other customers in the Bay Area are paying, but for an inferior service.  Communities throughout the Bay Area have access to ten to fourteen HDTV channels and they are able to access the On Demand service for the same rate that we pay in Sunnyvale.  We, on the other hand, only have access to eight HDTV channels and NO On Demand programming.  When I asked a Comcast representative when they would update our cable system I got a disappointing “We don’t know.”  THAT’S IT!!!!  Can I at least get a time line on how long I will be getting ripped off?  If we are going to be paying the same amount for our service as the rest of the Bay Area we should receive the same benefits.  So until there is a change in the service provided, I move to have prices in the Sunnyvale area lowered. If the technology in our area is inferior to the rest of the Bay Area, then that is what we should be charged for.


If you live in Sunnyvale, or anywhere else in California, and are being ripped off by Comcast, please leave your signature. We should be getting what we pay for, or paying a fair price for what we get!!! Thank you.

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