Save the Reef

The Great Barrier Reef, one of the world's greatest natural wonders, is at threat from the coal mining industry and in urgent need of your help.

The coal industry is accelerating global warming by mining and burning coal, and is putting the future of the Reef at risk. In 2016, warming oceans caused the worst coral bleaching event in history on the Great Barrier Reef and almost a quarter of the Reef's coral died.

Despite the dangers to the Reef, the Australian government approved dredging for the expansion of the Abbot Point Coal Terminal in North Queensland. This project is risking the Reef at a time when the world is moving away from coal.

An expansion of the coal industry will accelerate dangerous climate change and cripple any chance the Reef has of repairing itself.

But it's not too late — the Reef can recover in the right conditions and with time. The Great Barrier Reef is an ancient ocean jewel. We need to come together urgently to protect its irreplaceable beauty. Your voice can make the difference.

The science is clear: we can have the Reef or coal, but not both. Take a stand and join the global movement of people who have already committed to save the Reef.
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