Canada: Don't Wait for U.S. to Fight Global Warming

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Canadian Minister of the Environment Jim Prentice told the House of Commons environment committee that he would wait to issue any regulations forcing industry to cut pollution until the United States announces their plans.

The animals and plants harmed by industrial pollution can't wait! While it's important to work with countries around the world to tackle the complex environmental problems facing our planet, it's also critical to not delay. Waiting for the U.S. to develop a plan that Canada can then copy will only intensify the threat of global warming.

Tell Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Canada needs to take action NOW to start cutting greenhouse gas emissions and other contributions to climate change!
Dear Prime Minister Harper,

Global warming is a very serious threat to our planet, and as a world, we must be doing everything in our power to stop our contributions toward its destruction. And that doesn't mean waiting for cues from the United States. While it's important to work with countries around the world to tackle the complex environmental problems facing our planet, it's also critical to not delay. Waiting for the U.S. to develop a plan that Canada can then copy will only intensify the threat of global warming.

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For the health of our planet, please ensure Canada takes action now to start cutting greenhouse gas emissions!
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