Tell San Francisco: No Toll For Bicyclists and Pedestrians on the Golden Gate Bridge!

  • van: Julie M.
  • ontvanger: Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board of Directors, California

In late October 2014, the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board of Directors narrowly voted 10 - 9 to keep considering a pedestrian and bicyclist fee for people crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.

This tax would discourage pedestrian access on the bridge and unfairly remove money from the pockets of citizens who are already struggling to afford the city. Please sign this Care2 petition to tell the Board of Directors to kill this proposal!

About 6,000 cyclists and 10,000 pedestrians cross the bridge on days with good weather. Depending on how severe the tax is, it could encourage car use, exacerbate congestion, and discourage healthy activities that should be free for all citizens.

If the city needs help funding repairs and maintenance, it should reallocate existing funds and/or provide opportunities to give a voluntary donation instead of forcing all residents and tourists to pay.

Tell San Francisco: No toll for bicyclists and pedestrians on the Golden Gate Bridge!

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board of Directors, A toll on bicyclists and pedestrians crossing the Golden Gate Bridge will have disastrous effects. It will unfairly remove money from the pockets of citizens already struggling to afford the city; it could further incentivize car use, contribute to congestion and discourage healthy outdoor activities that should be free for all citizens. We the undersigned urge you to please find another way to increase city funds (perhaps by asking for donations) and vote no on this proposal!
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