Please improve legally required welfare standards for all chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys across the UK, Ireland and the USA!

  • van: Victoria Salter
  • ontvanger: UK Government, Irish Government, US Government; Congress

Hi 👋 ,
I have just been reading an article on Care2 about the law and chicken slaughter. Apparently, some chickens have been boiled alive, suffering agonising deaths in broiler tanks, while thousands of others were left outside to freeze to death. Some also suffocated. This unnecessary suffering cannot be allowed to continue.
As a (95%) vegan, though I'm not aiming to force my views or upset anyone, but I would prefer it if there was no more unnecessary slaughter of animals for food, but we ought not allow this suffering to continue, even if the slaughterhouses remain in business.
Please take the welfare of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and other animals on farms more seriously and ensure that all unnecessary suffering and cruelty is stopped.
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌓 and back.
Have the best day and night ever!

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