Tell Jennifer Lopez to Renounce Fur

Jennifer Lopez has repeatedly been informed about the atrocities of the fur industry. The time has come for Lopez to keep fur products off of her back and out of her clothing line.
An undercover investigation into the Chinese fur industry recently confirmed what animal lovers have long feared: The pain and suffering foxes, dogs, chinchillas, and many others endure while being beaten and skinned alive is incomprehensible, worse than we imagined. Before being slaughtered, they are "housed" in small, cramped cages, often denied regular food and clean water--their "living" conditions are deplorable.

Jennifer Lopez has for years donned fur coats, despite repeated attempts by both PETA and Australian DJ "Jackie O" to educate her about the barbaric nature of the fur industry. Moreover, fur products are heavily prevalent in her clothing line Sweetface.

We, the undersigned, make a commitment to boycott all products affiliated with Jennifer Lopez--including movies and music--until she publicly acknowledges the atrocities inherent in the fur industry and ceases to both wear and sell fur. We maintain that compassion is trendy and encourage her to incorporate this characteristic in her fashion.
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