Show the World What Real Mama Grizzlies Stand For!

Sarah Palin calls herself and women in her conservative movement 'Mama Grizzlies.' But we think the term better describes women in the conservation movement as well as everyday mamas (and papas) who do their best to lovingly defend our natural treasures.

Whether you're conservative or liberal, furry or not (daddy grizzlies are welcome, too!) take our pledge to be a Real Mama Grizzly during National Women's History Month.

The Real Mama Grizzly Pledge:
* I pledge to defend my habitat from climate change. I will decrease my carbon impact by driving less, being mindful of my energy use at home, eating less meat, buying local foods or planting a garden.
* I pledge to mentor young grizzlies by getting them – and myself – out into the Great Outdoors.
* I pledge to nurture our precious wildlands by using less of their limited resources and buying products made from recycled or repurposed materials.
* I pledge to write Congress at least once this month on behalf of conservation priorities.
* I pledge to share this message with my friends so that other Mama Grizzlies can commit to defending the environment this month.

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