Introduce Life Imprisonment For ANYONE Found Guilty Of Being Involved In Poaching Activities

  • van: Paul Christian
  • ontvanger: Mr Øystein Størkersen, Chairman of CITES.
Poaching is pushing Elephants, Rhinos and Tigers to the brink of extinction. Endangered animals are poached even in the world's most protected areas. It is very important for countries to implement sufficient monitoring and enforcement measures as well as penalties severe enough to deter all criminal involvement. Current sentences for poaching is inadequate and is not stopping poaching. If sentences were increased to life imprisonment for ANYONE found guilty of being involved in poaching activities in any way, it would send out a CLEAR message that the public are NOT willing to see iconic species driven to extinction. It would also act a major deterrent to those at the top of the poaching chain. Something DRAMATIC needs to be done NOW before it is TOO LATE.
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