Support Our Golden Gate National Parks and Protect Endangered Species

The spectacular Mission blue butterfly, the iconic coho salmon, and the colorful San Francisco garter snake. These are just a few of the 35 endangered, rare, and threatened species who live in our Golden Gate National Parks.

In fact, the 37 unique parks that make up the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) are home to more federally-protected species than any other national park unit in the continental United States. This milestone is both cause for celebration and concern.

While we are lucky to have such a diverse landscape in public ownership, the imperiled status of so many species reflects the need for stewardship of these lands.

That's why the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy is dedicated to protecting these special places – from the towering redwoods of Muir Woods to the rugged coastline of Lands End – and ensuring they are preserved for future generations of wildlife and people.

But we can't do it alone. We need the support of passionate people who care about these parks and the wildlife that rely on them for their survival. Will you join us?

Sign and support the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and help us preserve our parks and protect the endangered species that call them home.
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