This page is in responce to the rampant spreading of Breed Specific Legislation. As concerned dog owners, we are uniting and combining our efforts, in hopes that those who are in a position to make a difference, do, and will realize that banning a specific breed of dog will not stop or solve the problem of "dangerous dogs" If its a "pit bull" today, then what breed tomorrow? It is our hope that legislatures will realize ALL dogs, of every breed, bite, yet the fault clearly lies with the owners, and not the dogs. Breed Specific legislation, or "BSL" as it is commonly called, has already been enacted in over thirty states nationwide. Germany, Canada, France, and England also enforce BSL. The "pit bull" a term, not a breed, we use loosely here is its #1 target. What happened to Americas beloved hero, the most popular and respected dog in America? Sergent Stubby was WWIs most outstanding "Canine Soldier" earning two medals. On 2/4/15 and 3/24/17, pit bulls graced the cover of Life Magazine. In 1929, Pete, was filmed as a regular in the comedy series the "Little Rascals" and "Our Gang". Helen Keller owned a Pit Bull, as did President Theodore Roosevelt, to name a few. With all things comes change, and so it is for the pitbull. After 100 years plus of respect and admiration, the highly regaurded view of the pit bull began to change. Following the foot steps of the doberman and rottweiler, the pit bull soon became a negative status symbol, and the headliner for every negative news story, regaurding dog attacks and/or maulings. The once untarnished image of the APBT became a thing of the past. Thus began the BSL battle. BSL labels all dogs as "dangerous" whether there is any truth to that or not. It generalizes. It fails to consider individual temperaments. It categorizes all dogs of that specific breedto only be one way=DANGEROUS. The pitbull which has often been misidentified and compared with 25 other breeds is in the forefront of the BSL battle. Every decade has had its dangerous breed. It is therfore apparent BSL is not the solution, as "dangerous dogs" continue to plague humans. Breed specific legislationis unfair! It discriminates! It unfairly punishes respondsible owners. By enacting it, it allows well bahaved dogs to receive the same fate as those that act incorrectly. How in any way is that fair? There are several cities, nationwide that have realized that BSL is not the answer, and have enforced their existing laws, a solution that continues to work. Incorrectly placing blame on the dogs will ensure the continuation of "dangerous dogs". We hope you realize this. However, holding each irresponsible owner accountable, for the dangerous actions of their dogs is a fair, unbiased decision. As concerned dog owners, we hope world wide legislators will realize this solution and discontinue implementing and enacting BSL. If BSL wins, we ALL loose.

We the undersigned, would like to thank you for your time and hope our efforts to save the APBT are not in vein.
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