CNN -- Fire Roland Martin!

Roland Martin from CNN tweeted homophobic messages during the Super Bowl. 

He said that people should "smack the ish out" of men who liked the H&M ad that was advertised during the Super Bowl and showed David Beckham in his underwear. Martin said that "real bruhs" wouldn't buy the underwear.

He also said that a New England Patriot player who showed up wearing a pink jumpsuit "needs a visit from #teamwhipdatass". 

GLAAD, a gay rights group, said that Martin has a history of being anti-LGBT and called for CNN to fire Martin.

Someone who is a part of a major news network should not be advocating violence against gay people in a society that is plagued with hate crimes and gay bullying. Gay bashing is not a joke -- it is a serious problem.

Tell CNN to fire Martin and stand up for the LGBT community! 

Dear CNN,

Please fire Roland Martin. His tweets advocating violence against gay people, in a society that is plagued with hate crimes and gay bullying, is not okay -- especially not for someone that is part of a major news network. 

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