Boycott GEICO and Rodeo Cruelty

GEICO Vice Presdident, Ted Ward has said, "We are proud to be partnering with the PRCA and the exciting world of ProRodeo."

To portray an animal, a gecko, participating in vicious and bloody torture of animals in rodeo, is a bizarre and idiotic way to sell car insurance. They even have a picture of their gecko wearing a cowboy hat on the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association website.

Let GEICO's CEO, Tony Nicely, know what you think about the company's support of rodeo cruelty and thier marketing partnership with the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association.

Tony Nicely
CEO, Geico

GEICO Communications Department
One GEICO Plaza
Washington, D.C. 20076
Geico's online email form

GEICO CEO, Tony Nicely

GEICO Vice Presdident, Ted Ward has said, "We are proud to be partnering with the PRCA and the exciting world of ProRodeo."

To portray an animal, a gecko, participating in vicious and bloody torture of animals in rodeo, is a bizarre and idiotic way to sell car insurance. You even have a picture of your gecko wearing a cowboy hat on the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association website.

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