Carice van Houten in Body of Lies

  • por: Katelynn Alberty
  • destinatário: getting Carice van Houten back in to the film "Body of Lies"

I have made this petiton on the behalf of people who wish to see Carice van Houten in the upcoming movie Body of Lies. There were several people that had seen the movie's pre-screening and said that she was nowhere to be seen in the movie. Her character's name "Gretchen" was only mentioned once by the lead actor and this made several fans of Carice van Houten very upset by this news. So I wish to make this petiton on their behalf so that they may still have a shot at seeing her in the movie whenever it comes into theaters. I appreciate your time with this and I especially appreciate every signature that I have for this petiton.

Have a good day
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