Change Three Strike Law In NC

  • por: Cathy Nygren
  • destinatário: All North Carolina State Senate & House Members,
I learned that our states three strike law favors the criminal.Our Law Makers need to be aware of this.I am confident this was not what they had in mind when writing this Law, We must fix the loophole criminals are using to commit more violent crimes apon us. This is only one way these repeat offenders are taking advantage of our Justice System.I am asking that If found guilty of their new feloney charges they commit while awaiting trail for another feloney charge and also found guilty they need to be held accountible for these under the Three Strike Law.
 We hear it all the time, Why if they have commited multiple feloneys are they still walking the streets commiting more crimes, some even more violent that the first.

Repeat Offenders are not able to be charged under the Three Strike Law while commiting more feloneys and awaiting trail for the original feloney charge. I am confident this is not what our law makers had in mind when writing this law, our criminals are again using the justice system to their advantage. This must be changed. We have criminals that are out of control, these are violent offenders that need not be allowed to walk our streets only to commit more violent crimes against us.

We need your help to change this.Please contact Our Senate & House Members & make them aware of this issue that we face everyday. Make Your Voice herd, Thank-You for you help.

U.S. Senate, North Carolina:

Richard Burr
Elizabeth Dole

U.S. House, North Carolina:

9th District: Sue Myrick
12th District: Mel Watt
8th District: Robin Hayes
10th District: Patrick McHenry
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