Charge Wayne State University with Felony Animal Cruelty

  • por: Animal Advcates
  • destinatário: Michigan Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, USDA, APHIS, Animal Care

Wayne State University violate Michigan's animal cruelty law with painful forced-exercise heart experiments on dogs. The dogs are forced to endure lengthy treadmill tests after multiple major surgeries; in violation of Michigan's ban against cruelly working animals.

Wayne State's experiments have resulted in unrelieved suffering and death for hundreds of dogs obtained from state animal shelters.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine states in it's legal complaint, "Wayne State University's use of dogs in cardiovascular forced exercise experiments does not represent the 'humane' research protected by Michigan law, and we request that Wayne State University be charged with felony animal cruelty under MCL §750.50(2)(b) for cruelly working hundreds of dogs by forcing them to endure lengthy treadmill tests after multiple major surgeries."

We ask you to enforce the Animal Cruelty Law, charge Wayne State Univeristy Dr. Donal O'Leary with a felony, and impose maximum sentencing.


Wayne County Prosecutor's Office

1200 Frank Murphy
Hall of Justice
1441 St. Antoine Street
Detroit, MI 48226

Phone:(313) 224-5777

Fax:(313) 224-0974

Elizabeth Goldentyer, D.V.M.

Eastern Regional Director

USDA, APHIS, Animal Care

920 Main Campus Dr., Suite 200

Raleigh, NC 27606-1401

Wayne State University violate Michigan's animal cruelty law with painful forced-exercise heart experiments on dogs. The dogs are forced to endure lengthy treadmill tests after multiple major surgeries; in violation of Michigan's ban against cruelly working animals.

Wayne State's experiments have resulted in unrelieved suffering and death for hundreds of dogs obtained from state animal shelters.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine states in it's legal complaint, "Wayne State University's use of dogs in cardiovascular forced exercise experiments does not represent the 'humane' research protected by Michigan law, and we request that Wayne State University be charged with felony animal cruelty under MCL §750.50(2)(b) for cruelly working hundreds of dogs by forcing them to endure lengthy treadmill tests after multiple major surgeries."

We ask you to enforce the Animal Cruelty Law, charge Wayne State Univeristy Dr. Donal O'Leary with a felony, and impose maximum sentencing.

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