DC Metro crash memorial & Metro O-Gauge train set

I believe we should make a memorial for the DC Metro crash victims, their families, and all who were affected by this tragic accident. Those who died will never be forgotten. Also, we need to pay homage to all, who have ever lost their lives trying to make Metro better, they too, will never be lost forever.

Sign this petiton if you would like to see a DC Metro O- gauge train set made be MTH Electric Trains. It would be just like the MTA and CTA model subways, except with the DC Metro! Metro has served the DC area for many years, and has many loyal members, all of those who would love to see a DC Metro train set. So please, sign this petititon so train entusiasts everywhere can enjoy Metro\\\'s above-average and detailed trains right in their own home. Thank you for viewing this petiton, and many thanks to those who signed it. Let\\\'s preserve Metro\\\'s well-celebrated history with a momento that all can enjoy wherever they are.

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