Fight The Rising Gas Prices

We the Americans are sick of the rising gas prices. Right now, In America, gas prices are $4.00 - $4.50. Gas is getting so expensive that  people can not afford to drive to work. Yes, people can take buses, but in most rural areas, there are no bus transport systems. What are you, the government doing about this? Nothing. Gas prices keep rising, and we keep losing more and more jobs. If this keeps up, more people will be out of a job then ever before, sending this nation into another depression. We want this to stop and we want it to stop right now! Gas prices a couple years ago were around the $2.20 mark. That's what we want  to see again. We, the Americans, want the government to do something to bring down the price of gas, so we can afford to drive. We want it done, and we want it done NOW!

Things we want changed:
1. We want the importing of fuel from foreign countries to be decreased and over a period of time stopped completely.
2. More government funding for the research of alternative energy sources for vehicles.
3. Government funding for the companies
researching and creating new hybrid vehicles.
4. If possible, a cap on the amount per gallon customers have to pay. Somewhere around $3.00.

We the Americans are sick of the rising gas prices. Right now, In America, gas prices are $4.00 - $4.50. Gas is getting so expensive that  people can not afford to drive to work. Yes, people can take buses, but in most rural areas, there are no bus transport systems. What are you, the government doing about this? Nothing. Gas prices keep rising, and we keep losing more and more jobs. If this keeps up, more people will be out of a job then ever before, sending this nation into another depression. We want this to stop and we want it to stop right now! Gas prices a couple years ago were around the $2.20 mark. That's what we want  to see again. We, the Americans, want the government to do something to bring down the price of gas, so we can afford to drive. We want it done, and we want it done NOW!

Things we want changed:
1. We want the importing of fuel from foreign countries to be decreased and over a period of time stopped completely.
2. More government funding for the research of alternative energy sources for vehicles.
3. Government funding for the companies
researching and creating new hybrid vehicles.
4. If possible, a cap on the amount
per gallon customers have to pay. Say around $3.00.

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