Oppose Disrupting Feeder Patterns for Mills Students

AISD is opening a new SW Elementary school and adjusting surrounding schools that are overcrowded, including Mills, Clayton and Oak Hill elementaries.   Members of the Boundary Task Force are charged with the priority of: achieving capacity targets that ensure efficient operation of facilities.

The schools that are under capacity include Boone and Sunset Valley elementaries.  These elementary schools have feeder patterns that are inconsistent with the feeder patterns at Mills.  For example, Mills Elementary currently sends students to Small Middle School and Gorzycki Middle School, then all students feed into Bowie High School.   Currently, Boone and Sunset Valley track students to Covington Middle School and Crockett High School.  

Changes in the current elementary school boundaries that involve Boone or Sunset Valley would disrupt these current feeder patterns and potentially separate a group of students from the elementary school peers when entering middle and high school.

Do you oppose moving students into schools that disrupt current feeder patterns?

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our Boundary Task Force to oppose disrupting feeder patterns for children who live in the Mills Elementary attendance zone.

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