Stop Hermit Crab Races!

This barbaric violation of the animals' rights to a cruelty-free, at least mediocre life needs to be put to a stop ASAP. These hermit crabs must endure stress from being cramped inside a small space with hundreds of hermit crabs right on top of them at a time. Hermit crabs easily die from stress and also  can drop their limbs, including their pincers, which are used to eat. Without these pincers, they will die.  These hermit crabs are used for pure entertainment and business interests. Nothing else. Imagine yourself as one of these crabs-- you're cramped into a tiny tank with barely any room to move at all. Maybe you can't move. Hundreds of other hermit crabs are on top of you, and you are very stressed out. Then, in a few weeks, it's race time! You are put onto a gigantic table surrounded by giant, frightening creatures shouting at you like monsters. Maybe they are monsters. You try to run away but end up falling off of the table, your shell cracked in half and a part of it jabbing into your internal organs. You are picked up and put back only to die a slow and highly agonizing death the next morning. What a life!

This needs to be stopped immediately! Please think of the animals before using them as a source of entertainment!
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