It has come to our attention that a professional womens longboard contest is being proposed for Swamis. We think it is a bad idea, sets a bad precedent, and is unneeded, unwanted, and unsafe. There are plenty of other locations county wide including Cardiff, Oceanside, LJ Shores and Ocean Beach where contests are run. There has never been a contest at Swamis (well one way back in '67). The Swamis Surf Club makes sure they never run their contest at Swamis. Why? Because Swamis locals and visitors alike do not want one. A pro surfing contest does nothing for community surfers, does not benefit the city of Encinitas local surfers or make sense for the aesthetic and vibe of the wonderfully peaceful Self Realization Fellowship. What is the upside? A promoter makes some money, and the City of Encinitas promotes tourism. Please sign the petition below to STOP SURFING CONTESTS AT SWAMIS - FOR GODS SAKE - IS NOTHING SACRED?
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