Wisconsin has almost 3000 prisoners ready and legally eligible for parole. We need to stand strong for a society that believes people do change and deserve a second chance.

We believe that the implicit elimination of parole for prisoners sentenced prior to January 1, 2000 is unlawful. These are 2,787 "old Law” Prisoners, sentenced before truth-in- sentencing became the law. Many have met all their requirements and more and are still denied parole year after year. Prisoners sentenced prior to January 1, 2000 , who are eligible for parole, have maintained good conduct, and have a good post-release plan should be granted parole because it is consistent with the sentencing court' intentions. Such prisoners should not be denied parole for vague reasons like “hasn’t served sufficient time” etc. It is now time for these inmates to be mainstreamed back into society where they can be productive citizens. Their families, friends, love ones, and in some cases jobs are waiting for them. Where is the second chance?

Further, we the undersigned fully support the 11X15 Campaign Statement that calls on the governor to appoint an Ombudsman, selected by the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with the authority to insure that those people who are eligible for parole spend no more time in limbo.

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