Keep the Dance at St Peter's Church

For 14 years, St Peter's Church in Vauxhall London has been home to a thriving community group practicing 5Rhythms dance and offering a space where people can practice movement and connect on a weekly basis. This space is well-known as an extraordinarily precious resource for all manner of people, including local residents, Londoners from all walks of life and visiting dancers from around the world.

St Peter's has a new vicar and the parish is making changes, with the result that we have received notice to leave at the end of August.

We sincerely ask North Lambeth Parish to re-consider this decision and to find a way to continue supporting this valuable resource for the community through including it in the new St Peter's schedule.

Failing this we wouild kindly request an extension to the notice period, which is not viable for safely moving a large and well-established community with relatively complex needs.

More Context:
Every Thursday, we host a class for elders and their family, friends & carers in the afternoon, followed by an open class in the evening where all are welcomed to dance. The work we do supports health, wellbeing, human connection and and spiritual communion for hundreds of people.

"Let them praise His name with dancing" - Psalms 149:3

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