Linda Daniels died because she was poor. It's just that simple. Last week, the 68-year-old, who needed her electric-powered oxygen tank to survive, had the power cut off on her residence. Daniels had fallen behind with her electricity bills and her local power provider PSEG had decided to pull the plug.
But that plug was saving her life.
Daniels' daughter said she called PSEG begging them to return power to her mother's house. But they refused, even telling her to "stop calling." While Linda had fallen behind she hadn't given up. According to reports, she was steadily paying off her debt with the electricity company, putting $500 towards her bill just two days before she died. And just a day after her death, PSEG restored her power.
PSEG's callousness led to the premature death of a woman whose only crime was not being well off. This should never have happened and it should never be allowed to happen again.
Please sign this petition and ask the New Jersey Attorney General to investigate. Demand justice for Linda Daniels.