Save the Tarkine

  • por: Georgina B
  • destinatário: The Federal Australian and Tasmanian Governments

The Tarkine is the largest area of Gondwanan Temperate Rainforest in Australia. A second mine has just been approved in The Tarkine by the Federal Government. It must be stopped!

The Tarkine is home to many rare and endangered plants and animals, including the Tasmanian Devil. There should be no mining in the Tarkine!

Send a message in support of protecting this precious rainforest.

The Tarkine in the largest area of Gondwana Temperate Rainforest in Australia. The Federal Government has just approved a second mine in this pristine area. The Tarkine is home to many rare and endangered plants and animals, including the Tasmanian Devil. There should be no mining in the Tarkine!

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