Demand that two men gulty of the torture and killing of a koala are given a stronger sentence

  • por: Vivienne Ortega
  • destinatário: Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria

In an act of savagery, two men bludgeoned a koala, before burning it to death on a campfire in country Victoria.  Camping on the Murray River near Cobram, one of them hit the koala with a machete to "separate it from a pet dog".  The other man threw the injured, but alive animal, on to a campfire, before burying its remains. 

The suffering of this koala would have been unimaginable; their actions inexcusable. Koalas are defenceless, gentle, slow-moving and protected wildlife, iconic native animals of our country.

The two criminals were sentenced to confinement in a Youth Justice Centre for aggravated animal cruelty, a $250 fine each for disposing of protected wildlife.  However, the sentence was softened, after an appeal! The two were thus sentenced to only 200 hours of community service!  This is a "slap on the wrist" sentence. 

We petition the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions that the perpetrators of animal cruelty be sentenced much more harshly - to ensure justice, and to act as a strong deterrent.

Sentences for animal cruelty are far too lenient.  There needs to be more justice, and deterrents, to protect animals.

In an act of savagery, two men bludgeoned a koala, before burning it to death on a campfire in country Victoria.  Camping on the Murray River near Cobram, one of them hit the koala with a machete to "separate it from a pet dog".  The other man threw the injured, but alive animal, on to a campfire, before burying its remains. 

The suffering of this koala would have been unimaginable; their actions inexcusable. Koalas are defenceless, gentle, slow-moving and protected wildlife, iconic native animals of our country.

The two criminals were sentenced to confinement in a Youth Justice Centre for aggravated animal cruelty, a $250 fine each for disposing of protected wildlife.  However, the sentence was softened, after an appeal! The two were thus sentenced to only 200 hours of community service!  This is a "slap on the wrist" sentence. 

We petition the Victorian Office of Public Prosecutions that the perpetrators of animal cruelty be sentenced much more harshly - to ensure justice, and to act as a strong deterrent.

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