POSTCARD Writing Campaign: Tell GA to stop the Import of 18 WILD CAUGHT BELGUA WHALES

We are asking people all over the world to write to the Georgia Aquarium by the 15th September 2012 urging them to please not import 18- wild caught Belgua Whales from Russia. Around this time period NOAA will have a public comment period for the permit. It's time for us, as whale warriors to step up and voice our opinions not just to the NOAA but also to the GA Aquarium. Please send immediatelyin time for a response. The reason for postcards as opposed to letters, is because we want everyone to see our grieveness with GA. Everyone from the postal workers to volunteers at the Aquarium who sort mail. Thank you everyone!!.. For the whales...


Att: David Kimmel

Georgia Aquarium

225 Baker Street NW

Atlanta, GA 30313

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