The island of Cres is the biggest island in Croatia. It is situated in the north part of the Adratic sea.

There are 10 000 sheep on the island. On the island also live many wild animals including many pets. Every year 100 000 tourists visit the island. Many of them bring their pets with them to the pet friendly auto camps.

BUT Cres does NOT have a veterinarian clinic.

Since the old clinic closed down 4 years ago, Cres has not had a veterinarian. The town of Cres has a contract with the veterinarian clinic in Rijeka to care about the animals on the island.

BUT the island of Cres still does NOT have a place where the vets from Rijeka could do their job. The nearest vet clinic is in Rijeka on the mainland and the nearest island of Losinj. To get there is a costly trip and many people can not afford it.

It is impossible to care about the animals on the island without a help of the veterinarian.

We are asking all involved in this matter to find a solution so the vet clinic could be open asap!


Otok Cres je najveci otok u Hrvatskoj, smjesten na sjeveru Jadranskog mora.
Cres ima 10000 ovaca, brojne divlje zivotinje i kucne ljubimce. Godisnje cak 100 tisuca turista posjete otok, mnogi dolaze sa svojim ljubimcima u pet friendly kampove.
Ali Cres nema veterinarsku ambulantu!  

Unatrag 4 godine kad se zatvorila stara ambulanta, Cres nema svojeg veterinara.

Grad Cres ima ugovor sa Veterinarskom stanicom Rijeka koja treba brinuti za otocke zivotinje. Ali na otoku Cresu i dalje nema ambulante gdje bi veterinari mogli raditi.

Svi vlasnici ljubimaca i volonteri koji spasavaju zivotinje, moraju dugo putovati do veterinara na kopno ili na susjedni otok Losinj.

Zivotinje nemaju nikakvu veterinarsku skrb na otoku a zastitu zivotinja je nemoguce provoditi.
Molimo sve nadlezne da hitno nadju rjesenje i organiziraju novu veterinarsku ambulantu na otoku Cresu!

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