Stop Killing Wildlife

  • por: Stefano Mosi
  • destinatário: Frikkie du Toit owner of Frikkie du Toit Safaris

Urge Frikkie du Toit to stop guiding hunters on Safaris.  Instead make money in leading visitors on non hunting wildlife safaris to see these magnificent animals in their natural habitat.  These animals need our help for survival as their habaitat is being destroyed and along with poaching and hunting many of these species face extinction. 

Go to company website to view pictures of their kills

Dear Frikkie du Toit

Hunting is a big and important part of human history and tradition.  It played a large role in the survival of our speceis.  However, times have changed and we no longer depend on it for our survival.  Many of the animals that your clients hunt on these safaris are quickly disapearing from the wild.  The poaching of elephants for their ivory has decimated their numbers all across their natural habitat.  Many more species are facing extinction all across Africa due to hunting and loss of habitat.  Ecotourism is a huge business and I am sure your company would be very succesfull if it started promoting that sort of experience.  Use your knowledge of these beautiful creatures and take tourists on safaris to view them in their natural habit instead of shooting them.  For the future of these majestic creatures please consider how this change would make a huge impact not only on the animals but on the people experiencing them up close for the first time.

Thank you for listening.

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