UK: Protect Animals in Traveling Zoos!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: David Cameron, Prime Minister, United Kingdom

Traveling roadshows featuring exotic animals are popular draws at birthday parties, schools and public events. Unfortunately, the UK has no specific regulations to protect animals used in these traveling zoos.

Regular zoos have very specific regulations, but traveling animals have no protections outside the general animal welfare act. This is unfortunate, as these animals are subject to special conditions, such as heavy traveling and spending long periods of time in enclosed spaces. The industry needs regulation to ensure that animals are well-fed, comfortable, and receive adequate veterinary care.

Please sign the petition to urge the UK to establish special rules and regulations for animals used in traveling zoos!

I am writing in hopes of establishing regulations to protect animals used in traveling zoos.

Traveling roadshows featuring exotic animals are popular draws at birthday parties, schools and public events. Unfortunately, the UK has no specific regulations to protect animals used in these traveling zoos.

Regular zoos have very specific regulations, but traveling animals have no protections outside the general animal welfare act. This is unfortunate, as these animals are subject to special conditions, such as heavy traveling and spending long periods of time in enclosed spaces. I believe that the industry needs regulation to ensure that animals are well-fed, comfortable, and receive adequate veterinary care.

I respectfully urge you to establish special rules and regulations for animals used in traveling zoos. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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