Unfair cost For Military Housing On Post.

I would like to inform the American People, News Channels, Mayors, Congress And Mr. President Obama Of the unjust the Military is Facing with Housing On Military Installations. Let me start off by stating We are being Forced to Pay diffrent amounts for the exact same houses, and in some Cases Soldiers who have bigger houses pay Less. Let me Break this down for you. 

The soilders get Paid BAH. This is called Basic Allowance for Housing. This goes by the surrounding economy per city and state. Every rank receives a diffrent amount of BAH on their pay grade. When you move on Military instalations the housing office will take your BAH and put you in Housing. Now say your a E6 getting $1401 in BAH. If you are E1 you will recieve $1254. That doesn't matter to the Unfair Housing office on military posts. 

Soliders with 5 kids and earning BAH at a E1 pay grade will receive a bigger better house then the Soildiers who recieve more in BAH. I am asking everyone who reads this will help me by passing this information on in hopes that this Unjust will be fixed. Our Military Families are getting taken Advantage of and there is nothing we can do about it. Just getting the word out and attention brought to this problem will help. 

With this being said I do understand it is my choice to live on post. But a lot of communities off post are not great environments for military. Because they track the BAH rates for military and we have to pay out-of-pocket to live off post. 

Thank You For your Time. 

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