UPDATE: Calgary puppy owner wants jail time for man accused of punting dog in Calgary park. Article By DAVE DORMER, CALGARY SUN

  • por: Jan Heller
  • destinatário: The Alberta Crown Calgary Prosecutor, The Federal Minister of Justice and the Mayor of Calgary, CA.

Sept 29, update:

Calgary puppy owner wants jail time for man accused of punting dog in Calgary park 



John Kueth-Teny of Calgary, Alberta, CA, a 40 year old man, claims "Dogs have no feelings".  How do you get to the age of 40 and be this completely ignorant?

John Kueth-Teny a 40 year old Calgary man has been charged with animal cruelty for allegedly kicking a puppy in an attack on a school field.

Erin Tajiri says her five-month-old Corgi-mini/Australian Shepherd puppy named Lil-E was leashed and tied to a lawn chair while she was playing in a softball game at Father Lacombe High School.

Tajiri says a man walking across the field approached and the puppy stood waiting, wagging her tail in excitement.

But she says the man started running toward Lil-E and suddenly kicked her as though she were a football.

Witness Kim Ehrhardt says when he was confronted, the man said "dogs have no feelings."

Lil-E had to have emergency surgery to reattach a piece of her shoulder blade that was broken off in the attack.

Please sign and help an ignorant man learn the truth about animal "feelings".

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