I demand to have my kitten back!

I have helped so many people and now I need your help! I am pleading with you to sign my petition! I am sick and depressed and the only way to get better is to have my kitten back. Please help me!

No one should be mentally and emotionally abused by taking away something they love! Especially if they are mentally handicapped! I am a mentally and physically handicap woman. I lost my Dad in August of 2015. I then found out my cat was sick and would pass away in time. My parents when they were living always let me get a new pet when one had or would pass away. Now that my sister has our parents house she is very controlling. She felt that my parents spoiled me because of my mental disabilities. So She has decided that  things are going to be different, and I wont get everything that I want. What she doesn't understand is that I don't want everything just my Kitten that she and my other sister took away. Everyday without her is breaking my heart and I am very depressed. I feel that I am verbally, mentally and emotionally abused. I am constantly being belittle! My entire family is on my sisters side. So I am alone! Instead of working things out to make everyone happy my 2 sisters would rather let me continue to hurt and be deeply depressed while they are over joyed to have hurt me by getting rid of my kitten! All I want is my baby back, to hold her and kiss her and to cuddle. I miss her so much! I cry for her everyday! Please help me!!! Please sign my petition!!!

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Please sing my petition! I have signed so many petitions my self and now I need your help! Please sign and help me get my kitten back!!!
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