Demand Stop to Horse/Equine Slaughter Export Transportation!

    Horses, Donkeys, and Mules that are often still healthy and sound and ride drive, pull, and have been loved and through no fault of their own end up in a slaughter sales barn! If not sold within usually week they are crammed upwards of 25 to 30 in a livestock trailer and begins the road of terror. Endless days and nights sometimes with broken legs and horrific cuts and other maladies no food no water. Shipped to Canada or Mexico or on Huge tankers to Japan. Yes, You are also responsible. Sign and demand an immediate stop on all equine slaughter export from the USA. Let us all reevaluate the situation. This is step one. Please sign. We are all on this planet together. Please sign, forward, share and then see my other petitions for follow up propositions. Thank you very much.
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