Have you ever said thank-you to

  • por: 3Q
  • destinatário: everyone

 3Q 3Q 3Q  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/thank-you/ http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/thanks-for-always-being-there/
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/thanks-kind-to-animals/  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/thanks-for-aspca-disaster-response-team/


Have you ever said thank-you to the cow that provided you with the steak for your dinner!

I expect you think the idea preposterous. If you were to say thank-you: to the cow for its meat, milk, butter and cheese, to the vegetables for their sacrifice of life so that you can live, to the air, water and fire and earth for their contributions to your life - then you may have to start thinking a bit harder about yourself and your connection to earth.

Saying 'Thank-you'. We are all taught this as children - Why? Just think how it feels when someone does say 'thank-you' for something you have done. It makes you feel good and then you are open to doing something else for that person. That person, by saying 'thank-you', is honouring you and what you have done, thus paving the way for more abundance.

Once you actually live the attitude of gratitude, its amazing what comes your way. So what have you done by saying 'thank-you' You have raised the vibrational frequency of the deed you did; the steak and vegetables or fruit you have eaten or the glass of water you drank, to a spiritual one. You are working on a higher level of connection to all that is.

Further, by saying 'thank-you' to the cow for the steak we can connect with its energy--that's a scary thought who wants to connect with a cow? Well, my friends, it is a fact that we are connected to everything. We are not separate from other consciousnesses on the planet or from the consciousness of the planet herself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/24940

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