Taiwan: Form a Separate Animal Protections Agency!

Taiwan has earned a bad reputation for cruelty toward animals and leniency toward clear animal rights violations. On May 2, 2012, animal rights activists in Taipai proposed an independant agency dedicated to protecting the rights of animals.

Currently, the Council of Agriculture (CoA) handles animal rights protection as well as livestock, foresty and fishing issues. Unfortunately, having the same agency handle livestock and animal protections creates a conflict of interest. A separate agency with enough resources and funds to handle animal rights issues would ensure better treatment for the country's animals.

Please sign the petition to support Taipei animal rights activists in their mission to create an independent agency devoted to animal protection in Taiwan.

To: Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture

We, the undersigned, are concerned with Taiwan's reputation for cruelty toward animals and leniency toward clear animal rights violations. On May 2, 2012, animal rights activists in Taipai proposed an independant agency dedicated to protecting the rights of animals.

Currently, the Council of Agriculture (CoA) handles animal rights protection as well as livestock, foresty and fishing issues. Unfortunately, having the same agency handle livestock and animal protections creates a conflict of interest. A separate agency with enough resources and funds to handle animal rights issues would ensure better treatment for the country's animals.

We support Taipei animal rights activists in their mission to create an independent agency devoted to animal protection in Taiwan. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petiton.

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