Scarecrow dogs - Expose Bulgaria's dirty little secret

  • destinatário: the European Commission, the European Parliament, Eurogroup for Animals, the Bulgarian President.

It's been going on for centuries in the mountain range villages of Bulgaria. Clear evidence of the unsurpassed, undying evil genius of the Bulgarian Homo Rapiens.

Instead of placing scarecrows, poor, defenseless dogs are regularly tied up by the villagers with a short, rusty chain to a post in the wilderness, near someone's ranch, to scare away predators. The chain leaves for little or no movement on the muddy ground.

Soiled in their urine and feces, frustrated, left without food or water for days in the scorching 40 C heat, exposed to predators, unable to fight or run, uncared for, unwanted, untreated and forgotten, they die in agony and terror from thirst, starvation, disease, or their wounds if attacked and mutilated by the raving beasts.

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