Induct New Edition Into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for 2024

    Forty-plus years in the industry, loyal following, great music, had a lot of adversity, achieved a level of success that only a few have enjoyed, this is HALL OF FAME MATERIAL. New Edition is the best R and B group ever and one of the original boy bands. Again, six members of the group who all have been successful individually, classic records through the 80’s, 90’s and 2000s that still receive airplay on major radio stations. The day will come soon when people begin to ask why and why not. This is America's first and only Supergroup. Find me a group that had six members who were successful before and after the group broke up and regained success when they joined forces again. Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant, Johnny Gill, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins, and Ronnie DeVoe. That is a lot of power in one group and together they are New Edition. Do the right thing and put them in, this is a no-brainer. Do you mean to tell me that rap artists are better than New Edition who have been in the industry 30 plus years, I don't understand it. Again, the only group in the U. S. to have 6 members have individual success, each selling 1 million plus records while not with the group and coming back together to sell millions of records. That has never been done ever. New Edition greatest group ever.
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