Demand police corruption to be exposed and stopped!

    State police, City and County police are getting away with murder, cover ups, perjury, obstruction of justice, fraud and intentionally withholding crime scene photographs from medical examiners as well as investigators criminal reports. It is despicable and deplorable but it continues. I have been beaten down, ridiculed, patronized and told to go away as I continue my fight for justice for my beloved son.

    So many families are being violated and their rights and quest for justice ignored and swept under the rug. It must stop NOW!

    The killers who murdered your child along with the corrupt police and prosecutors covering up must be brought to justice and held accountable.

    Sign this petition now and demand that the Department of Justice, the Special Prosecutors and the FBI investigate and hold these people accountable for their sickening and unconscionable criminal acts.

    I am determined to ignite a positive change for all families to have a voice and demand that justice be served.
    Atualização #16 anos atrás
    My son was brutally murdered at the age of 19.
    His life stamped out and all of his hopes and dreams gone.
    The murderer is known and has never been held accountable because the police and prosecutors
    are corrupt and covered up.

    Please stand up with me and sign my petition
    to expose and end police corruption.
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