Stop Abusing Ethiopian Refugees, in Germany by Belay Wendaferash

  • por: EPPF
  • destinatário: Bundesamt fur Migration und Fluchtlinge Frankenstrasse 210 90461 Nuremberg, Germany

 Ethiopian refugees are abused and their financial support is illegally taken by so called weekly meeting and manifestations prepared by Belay Wendaferash alias  Selamunu in Germany as a means of revenue.  The   so called Civic Movement of Belay is a means in exploiting the Ethiopian refugees from the minimum sum they are given as a support by the German government.  Belay Wondaferash   controlling the refugees through his so called e civic movement for the house he is building in Ethiopia through his wife in Addis Ababa  He has established a working  contact with the dictatorial  Eritrean regime under UN nation Sanction on collecting tax money from Diaspora. He is working for collecting money for Isasias Afwerki from the Ethiopians who are not mentioned in the UN sanction Resolution N° 2023, of  December 5, 2011. Mr. Belay Wondaferash has stolen over 37 thousand Eros from EPPF collected from Diaspora Ethiopian  in his visit in 2007 for purchasing a vehicle that never realized.  

Many young desperate Ethiopians have  been abused at their arrival in Germany for a demanded of political asylum. Young and inexperienced arriving from Ethiopia have been exploited 

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