Demand the Closing of the Former American Axle site & Community Clean Up Immediately

    We are living in a Cancer Cluster in Buffalo, NY. Our Leadership has allowed the former “American Axle “ Site to leak PCBs in the Community for the last 20 years. As a direct result our environment is polluted by PCBs. PCBs have been found in the AIR, SOIL, & WATER. Yet, our leadership has not ALERTED, EDUCATED, PROTECTED, or LEGISLATED on behalf of the community.

    We need to raise AWARENESS, while exerting pressure on our NY Congressman Brian Higgins, NY Assembly Crystal People-Stokes, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY Attorney General Letitia James, Mayor Byron Brown, & Council President Bishop Darius Pridgen to act IMMEDIATELY to stop the LEAKING OF PCBs in our community & we need an immediate remediation of our community.

    We demand the United States Justice Department do an immediate investigation into the circumstances that have allowed these corporations to pollute an entire community.

    PCBs are a carcinogen and contribute directly to the environmental factors that have contributed to the Cancer Cluster in which we live.

    We need help in giving a voice to the voiceless. We are one of the sickest zip codes in America. Our community plays home to some of the most toxic sites in America. Yet, as we are faced with Cancers, Auto-Immune Diseases, Organ Failure, Lead Poisoning, Lupus, etc. We are studied instead of educated. We misinformed instead of represented.

    Please help us elevate our voices in DEMANDING TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY!!! Let Law Makers in New York know the America is aware, and AMERICA STANDS WITH BUFFALO,NY!!!
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