• por: Margaret Thiselton
  • destinatário: The Federal Environment Minister Hon. Greg Hunt MP

7 Female Sperm Whales beached themselves and subsequently died ONLY 4 DAYS after the 3rd largest SEISMIC EXPLORATION vessel "Ramform Sovereign", owned by exploration company PGS, arrived and presumably begun exploration in the waters of the Great Australian Bight in which they call home. 2 days later 6 Bottlenose Dolphins beached themselves off the coast of Kangaroo Island.
We think we know!

Call on our Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt to suspend offshore oil and gas seismic blasting until it can be proven without a doubt that those poor Sperm Whales did not die as a result of 24/7, 10 second apart, explosions into their habitat!

Dear Hon. Greg Hunt MP

We the undersigned demand the you put in place a moratorium on oil and gas seismic exploration in Australian Commonwealth Waters - in particular the Great Australian Bight. This suspension should only be lifted once it can be proven wihtout a doubt that the death of 7 female Sperm Whales on the coast of the Yorke Peninsula SA was not a direct cause of seismic testing which begun just 4 days beforehand.
You are the Federal Environment Minster, your job is to protect the environment, please do so!

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