Bull-Taming Is a Form of Animal Cruelty. India Must Ban This Dangerous Blood Sport Now!

Animal lovers in India are outraged that the nation's highest court is allowing the cruel bull-taming sport of jallikattu to continue.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

Jallikattu is a blood sport that involves holding a bull captive until it is overwhelmed by anxiety, anger, and confusion, and then releasing it into a bullfighting area where many humans all attempt to jump on the panicked animal and hold on.

Cornering an animal in this way has, predictably, led to many deaths, injuries, and maimings. In the past six years, upwards of 33 bulls and 104 children and adults have died. Even hundreds of spectators have been injured in the process!

Many countries have traditions that include bullfighting, bull riding, and other forms of bull-tormenting. But luckily people around the world are recognizing the inherent cruelty in these "sports" and demanding that governments take action to ban these practices now!

In fact, a regional court in India banned jallikattu 20 years ago, back in 2006, after a desperate bull injured and killed an 18-year-old boy. Years later, in 2014, the nation's Supreme Court banned the sport entirely due to concerns of animal cruelty. Until now.

In 2016 and 2017, both the state government in Tamil Nadu and the federal government created legal loopholes specifically to allow jallikattu to resume. Now, in May 2023, the Supreme Court has sided against the animals, reversing its previous decision -- stating that the "cultural heritage" of abusing bulls was more important than any other factor.

The people of India want to protect animals and shut down this cruel sport. We must raise our voices to support their cause!

Sign the petition to show that we stand with animal lovers in India! Demand an end to the jallikattu blood sport now!
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