Educate everyone how to ask the right questions and response to another in need

Suicide is a leading (preventable) cause of death in the world. In the USA here is only two standard responses for someone that is expressing signs/thoughts of suicide; safety plan (glorified promise not to kill yourself) or involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. The vast majority of professions, especially medical, mental health, and many first responders are inadequately trained (if any at all) on how to ask the right questions and how to respond. Further, there "referral" to "resources" is vague, generalized, and stagnating. has launched the worlds first step-by-step guide to assist anyone to ask the right questions, and how to respond, FREE to the public.

We need help spreading the word about this free tool, and get either funding or partners willing to contribute to a greater solution using technology (big data, machine learning, and Ai) to build an enterprise solution to help reduce suicide around the world.

NO ONE is taking this approach, and we simply want to build a community and concur this pandemic together.

Please sign this petition to show that you believe anyone and everyone can and should have the power to help another person in need! We can all help prevent suicide.
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