Save Sheep Hill in the West Dunbartonshire countryside

An historic hill will be entirely eaten away by a quarry and disappear from the skyline under plans to be considered by West Dunbartonshire Council.  Sheep Hill, in the Kilpatrick Hills on the Clyde in Dunbartonshire, is the site of ancient Bronze and Iron Age forts.  Local residents and experts say that they will be destroyed by the expansion of a stone quarry.

Sheep Hill is the site of a prehistoric vitrified hill fort which is a scheduled ancient monument.  Scheduled ancient monument consent for the removal of Sheep Hill fort was granted in 2002.  A proposal to revise mineral permissions for an existing quarry run by a local firm near Sheep Hill, as well as damaging important archaeological remains and ruining the landscape, expanding the quarry would threaten wildlife and trees.   It would also leave a gaping hole in the side of the hills showing the workings of the quarry and would be fully visible from Bowling, Old Kilpatrick, Erskine, the Erskine Bridge and further afield.  Future generations will look back and wonder how such destruction could have been permitted.

Dear Sirs

Please note my objection to the expansion of Sheep Hill Quarry on historic, geological and environmental grounds.

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