Justice for Cecil the lion from Hwange Park, Zimbabwe killed by Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer!

  • por: Virginia Wiener
  • destinatário: The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. Director General Mr. E. CHIDZIYA.

Cecil the lion was an iconic 13 old lion beloved by the Park visitors. Mr. WALTER PALMER, a dentist from Minnesota paid $55,000 to kill. Palmer shot the 13 year old lion with a bow and arrow, then this magnificent lion was beheaded and skinned. To make this tragedy even worse is that there was no valid permit or a quota for the killing. His collar was also removed which is against the park rules. Theo Bronkhorst, from BUSHMAN SAFARIS helped Mr. Palmer to kill this iconic lion, without even having a permit. Both the landowner and Theo Bronkhorst are under arrest and will appear in cours on August 6. Hopefully they will get the punishment they deserve! Once again this tragedy proves that if you have the money you can murder as Mr. Walter Palmer, the dentist from Minnesota did! Now he has a TROPHY, and blood on his hands!

Cecil the Lion was famous and loved. Mr. Walter Palmer the dentist from Minnesota killed him for a $55,000.00 fee. People should know about this tragedy!

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